Sweet Lassi
Serves: 2 people
Takes: Up to 15 mins
Lassis are a yoghurt drink originating from the northern state of Punjab. A perfect blend of yoghurt, water, salt or sugar and sometimes spices, blended until frothy.
In India they churn it but you can use a blender or whisk. I love mine sweetened with fruit, which is a modern addition as traditionally they are sweetened with sugar syrup or delicately salted. And the best to be had is on the streets of Amritsar.
8 tablespoons plain yoghurt
150ml chilled water
1 teaspoon sugar, to taste
flesh of 1 ripe mango, chopped
pinch of ground cinnamon (optional)
crushed ice
Whizz all the ingredients together in a blender, or whisk together in a large jug. Add more water if you need to.
Taste and add more sugar. If your fruit is really ripe then you shouldn't need to.
Serve chilled.
My Tip: I love to make this recipe with the seeds of a pomegranate, and instead of the sugar I add a good squeeze of honey or agave nectar.